Build vocational clarity & skills for success in your working life
Why this focus area?
Learn & apply an understanding of:
Personal values, strengths & interests
Workplace values, strengths & interests
Personality & attributes
Preferred ways of providing value to others
Suitable career paths
Job search & application skills
Communication & interpersonal skills
Planning & organising
Autonomy & initiative
Team work & group psychology
Conflict & resolution
Given that so much of life revolves around work, the act of cultivating a career in alignment with our strengths & values; one that we find meaningful, is often a foundation of our wellbeing & success.
While an overwhelming proportion of people are not satisfied or fulfilled in their work, there are in fact reliable, well-researched methods by which individuals can effectively guide and develop their career paths. What's more, this can be done in ways that satisfy both personal interests & financial needs.
An evidence-based approach to career and life coaching, this focus area considers theories of career development and building your work profile.